Brilliant Viscous Force Formula

2 Normal force acting on a fluid element.
Viscous force formula. In the x -momentum Equation 9 the viscous stress μ u y is associated with an apparent turbulent stress ρ u v. F A n dv dr where F represents force and A represents area. The Reynolds number Re then becomes.
There is a force called viscous drag F V to the left on the ball due to the fluids viscosityb At a higher speed the flow becomes partially turbulent creating a wake starting where the flow lines separate from the surface. 4 Weight force acting on a fluid element. Stokes law relates the drag force F on a small sphere moving through a viscous fluid to the viscosity radius of the sphere r and terminal velocity of the sphere v via.
Re r. As the velocity increases the retarding force also increases. The Navier-Stokes equations are used to describe viscous flows.
So FA or force divided by area is another way of defining viscosity. This makes it appear that a distant object is the direct source of the force on the top plate when in fact it is the fluid just below the plate which exerts the force. Thelargerthesize thegreater istheamountof fluidthatneeds to getout of theway henceitisnot surprisingthat therelationshipislinearwithrespect toaaswell.
How is this formula derived. Here the flow is laminar with N R less than 1. The viscous forces are characterized by the viscosity coefficient mu times the second gradient of the velocity d2Vdx2.
To calculate this force we need to know the separation of the two plates D. 5 Substantial local and convective acceleration. The equation of motion for this fluid particle reads h A D v v Dt v v n A v v n A h A v G 5 where v G is the body force per unit mass.